Our mission is simple… To make positive lasting change to the health & wellness of all who we support. We want to ensure that every individual’s physical & mental health is at a high level. We strive to build & improve confidence, resilience, education, energy, motivation, & happiness.

People are the engine of a company so it is without question the key component to a successful oraganisation, having a team that is healthy, happy & feels cared for…

Mike Martin




Supporting workforces to improve their physical & mental wellness



We assess the workforce/individual situation & areas of risk/needs with a thorough diagnostic including policy review.


We identify & develop the measures required to achieve improvement/goals with appropriate services recommended to create a tailored roadmap.


We implement change by delivering/conducting the recommended programme/measures.


We monitor & support progress through each service provided in unison with company HR & management.


We gain client feedback, assess/measure the level of progress made, adapt where necessary implementing any adaptive solutions & then re-assess for constant improvement.



Our main focus is to provide staff with a catalogue of high impact services designed to support staff with their mental & physical wellness.






We are able to assist an organisation in either, leading or taking part in the adoption of a health advocacy model, which focuses on an educational dimension where it identifies emerging public health issues that may require awareness &/or attention as well as our focus on Movement / Nutrition / Rest & recovery / Environment & Sustainability / Financial Wellbeing & Health & Self-Care. Delivered through a wide range of engaging content.





Our tailored wellbeing sessions provide a platform for Odyssey to deliver a wide range of services within programmed activities & educational content, designed with the specific purpose of taking care of a workforce & its individual staff both mentally & physically through areas like habit change, building resilience, importance of good nutrition & rest & recovery to name a few.






These private sessions provide staff the opportunity to seek personally tailored guidance & advice surrounding any health, mental health or physical challenges they are feeling or facing.

During these sessions coaches utilise goal setting, mindset development techniques, personal advice, recommendations & many other tools to enable staff to confidently identify & tackle issues or challenges they face.





Our adventurous, enjoyable & progressive team sessions develop & improve skills such as communication, planning, problem-solving & conflict resolution. The wide range of team building activities help to maximise team cohesion through developing & fostering genuine connections, deeper discussions & processing. At an individual level we seek to improve confidence & provide opportunities to demonstrate abilities & characteristics that may not be obvious within the workplace. Team synergy sessions are also designed to accommodate the abilities & needs of all participants.





The Odyssey nutrition e-book contains easy to follow guidance on how to cook healthy meals. Our simple to follow recipes enable clients to approach cooking with enthusiasm, ensuring the activity doesn’t take up too much of their valuable time & are an excellent resource to help them to learn & understand what is good for both their body & mind.

The e-book contains ingredients, step by step guidance & nutrional information such as calorie content so individuals can clearly understand what is needed & what they are consuming!





Utilising the principles of sports sciences, the therapy uses techniques such as sports massage, to help fully rehabilitate those with injuries & help them heal as quickly as possible. To summarise our therapist will:

  • Provide immediate care of injuries.
  • Use sports & exercise principles to optimise physical performance.
  • Offer basic life support in a recreational, training, competitive environment.
  • Provide sport & remedial massage
  • Plan & deliver appropriate. rehabilitation programmes.





Ruth’s mantra is life is like a hosepipe, each traumatic event kinks the hosepipe therefore limiting positive energy to flow. Using a range of therapies & life coaching skills Ruth unkinks the events allowing positive energy to flow.

What therapy can help with:
Anxiety & stress: Is your anxiety stopping you from doing the things you want to do? Have you had enough of feeling out of control and embarrassed? Using solution-based therapies tailored to your needs you will be provided with the tools to understand how to overcome this.

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress: A very difficult state to deal with. In a sympathetic & understanding manner this is explored & with the use of therapies such as Integral Eye Movement Therapy to support removing the emotion attached to these events

Fear & Phobia: Many of us have phobias with the most common being spiders, but did you know more people have been killed by champagne corks than venomous spider bites! Fears & phobias can be overcome or at the very least their negative effects on an individual lessened.

Menopause & Perimenopause: Conditions that are more than just hot flushes: It can also include brain fog, fatigue, forgetfulness, low mood, the list goes on. Suddenly suffering from all of these symptoms can be debilitating. Talking to someone experiencing similar symptoms really helps & it is something that can be worked on to improve / reduce them.

Pain Management: Oldpain2go is a talking therapy which can help you to let go of any old unwanted pain which is no longer serving any purpose. It’s not a magic wand, though people have described the results as miraculous!





The integration of meditation & breathwork into our day is an immeasurable tool for improving wellbeing as it shifts us from a sympathetic into a parasympathetic nervous system state. In the parasympathetic state we are essentially resting, digesting & restoring our mind & body. From this we can approach life from a calmer head space, increasing productivity, positivity & activity without feeling exhausted, stressed or overwhelmed.





The Yoga classes aim to provide a better understanding of how your body is able to move & how breathing can influence both your mood & state of being. Classes also aim to show clients the potential of their body through the use of postures designed to improve their entire body’s range of movement, mobility, stability & balance. Sessions can be delivered in-person or online.





Reiki is an ancient energy technique that empowers you to take back more control over your health & wellbeing by activating our own natural healing abilities. It is a beautiful, relaxing treatment that promotes healing on all levels. Physically, spiritually, mentally & emotionally. Excellent for tackling anxiety & stress, trauma & PTSD. Delivered in person.





Individually tailored massages to help as many concerns as possible. Ranging from head & shoulder to hot stone to aromatherapy.

This supports:

  • Improves your immune systems efficiency
  • Reduces stress levels & increases relaxation
  • Lowered heart rate & blood pressure
  • Boosts your mental health & happiness
  • Improved circulation & eliminates toxins
  • Reduction of muscle pain & tightness





The design of exercise classes can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the workforce & can include strength / conditioning / power / fitness / mobility / muscle group related exercises whilst also working on developing the clients bodies movement patterns (form) mobility & physique.

Coaches deliver carefully structured sessions using an easy to follow ‘Explanation – Demonstration – Practice’ technique, providing clear communication & support throughout. The classes always include both a warm-up & cool down to ensure that risk of injury is minimised, that maximum benefit is derived from the session & that clients recover rapidly.



We offer 1:1 & small group pt sessions. These sessions are tailored to the specific needs & goals of each individual client. Coaches work with each individual by supporting a healthy & sustainable means to change & improve not only their physical health but mental health as well. Improving the overall picture means we focus on habit change, relationships with food, lifestyle, hydration, rest & recovery & much more to ensure each individual get’s the best possible experience & ability to be the healthiest & happiest they can be.

Our outdoor 6 week challenge group sessions are a fantastic blend of fitness & strength training with the inclusion of mobility & core work. Set in the beautiful grounds at Preston Park individuals from all walks of life, ages & ability enjoy the community feel & friendship as they all train together. We include a fit test at the start & end, measurements & weights tracking (if desired) & mini challenges along the way to keep it as engaging, fun & challenging as possible!

Got a question? We are happy to help!

Our staff are on hand to answer any questions or queries you might have, let us help you find the right path for you and your company. Request a brochure to see in more detail what we can do for your organisation.





Mike Martin

Mike Martin

MD & Coach


Mike Martin [MD & Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I have been super active ever since I could walk. Ask my mum! I used to run everywhere! I think having active parents stuck with me as I grew up. My relentless energy progressed into doing almost every sport at school (other than swimming). This active lifestyle I have continued up until now, I religiously train in the gym, run, walk, play football & practice yoga.

Career wise, being born with a hole in my heart stopped me from potentially following my dad into the services but it is something that has never slowed me down.

I eventually qualified as a personal trainer in 2017 but honestly did not like the way gyms operate regarding personal trainers & how much rent they had to pay. By 2020 with the help of a great friend I had the opportunity to set Odyssey up.
Bringing in another close friend (Craig) we started Odyssey in my kitchen… We worked really hard to hit the ground running & fortunately moved into teesside university in 2021. The past 3 years have been a whirlwind but I am loving it. The challenge is epic but I believe with every fibre in my body Odyssey will be the best health & wellness provider in the UK.

I feel so lucky to be where I am now. I was not the most academic at school but my grandpa always said I would do it… I hope that’s true!


Favourite Hobby:

Other than training at this present moment I would say writing my first kids fantasy book called Archie & Goblorc – watch this space!


Biggest Achievement:

I would hands down say leading Odyssey into its 3rd year. Watching the team develop & grow as well as the company as a whole has been awesome!


Best Piece of Advice:

Be more positive about yourself, you are capable of doing so much more than you realise!


First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

1: Buy each of my family something they’ve always wanted.

2: Disneyland florida holiday for my family

3: Property!


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

One would simply be helping facilitate positive change in people. There is nothing better than seeing someone transform & become healthier & happier. I would also say pioneering the Odyssey way of supporting companies, our style means we do things with high energy, excitement & freedom, putting us in a whole new lane compared to other organisations.

Craig Potts

Craig Potts

CRM & Coach


Craig Potts [CRM & Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I have always been active from a young age, playing rugby from the age 8 & learning a lot of life skills. I was lucky in the places I lived, I was able to lead an outdoor lifestyle from a young age. I just loved being outside & having many adventures.

I have always had an interest in fitness, I liked that feeling of pushing yourself & the rewards you get from being active. Meeting Mike at rugby was a date in destiny.  Training together, having the same passions & becoming great friends.  I knew we could do anything after we decided that we should give a strongman event. We had never done one before but started the training plan & set a  goal. Mike came first in one comp and then we came 2nd and 3rd in the next one . But it did not stop there. The next Venture turned into Odyssey being born & getting the chance to be a part of this to share my passion & to inspire & be inspired.

Leading an active lifestyle has saved me. I have had some battles with my mental well being. This became apparent & I learnt a big lesson while doing the yorkshire 3 peaks whilst in a bad place. Completing it has resonated in me & has become my strength.  I understand what it feels like when struggling & why it is so important to be active. The simple act of going for a walk can be life changing.


Favourite Hobby:

For me getting older has opened more wants to try new things and enjoy different experiences.  So my new hobby is listening to what scares me and giving it a go.


Biggest Achievement:

Leaving a career of 16 years and starting a new career with Odyssey.


Best Piece of Advice:

Do one thing that scares you each day,  from this you will gain Strength, courage and confidence. From staring fear down.  WIN THE DAY.

First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

1: Travel with my family

2: Collection of Motor bikes

3: Buy a wide beam Barge Boat to live on


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

Nothing is limitless,  We go out to show what we can achieve by giving it a go.  Odyssey is not like work, which sets us free from a lot of constraints.  We have the desire and passion to make a difference and give confidence and strength to who we work with.  Working with friends who bring different strengths and ideas helps Odyssey grow.  We like to have fun and to show how fun is a great weapon to be active and achieve.

Megan Bowen

Megan Bowen

Jr Office Manager & Coach


Megan Bowen [Jr Office Manager & Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I began my journey with health & wellness when I was 16/17 years old, as I was diagnosed with a panic disorder. Because of this I missed nearly a year of college, including the social aspect; seeing friends going out etc.

Overcoming my illness is one of the biggest/greatest accomplishments of my life & has really made me look at my own health & wellness in a different way. Yes, it wasn’t an easy journey but the fact I overcame it & am stronger for it is what motivates me to do that little bit more each day.

Alongside therapy & medication, I started to do home workouts. I would exercise; do a workout or go for a walk when I felt anxious. I believe being active played a massive role in my recovery. I knew that if I felt down or worried I could do a workout & feel somewhat better afterwards.

After university I got an internship with Odyssey! After 3 months I was offered a permanent position & have been here ever since. Personally I want to help as many people as possible to be the best they can be, to overcome mental & physical illnesses or worries by demonstrating the power of exercise, to show that you don’t have to change much to improve your lifestyle & how you feel about yourself. Which is exactly what Odyssey Health & Wellness are providing and offering on a day-to-day basis.


Favourite Hobby:

Doing my workouts and going for food with friends & family.


Biggest Achievement:

My biggest achievement would be a toss up of two things; the first being overcoming my anxiety disorder & the second would be completing the Limitless 2023 Challenge of 24 Workouts in 24hrs, in 9hrs 33mins.


Best Piece of Advice:

Go Get’em Tiger


First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

  1. A house
  2. A big holiday for all my friends and family
  3. An unlimited supply of crispy m&m’s


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

My favourite thing about Odyssey is that we get to work with/help a wide array of people reach their goals & aid them along their journey, being able to see them progress & become the best version of themselves as I find that really rewarding.



Yoga & Meditation Coach


Delphi-Blue [Yoga & Meditation Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I am a Mum, Partner, Yoga & Movement Teacher & advocate of a simpler/ slower way of living.

I have practiced Yoga & Meditation for over seven years & have taught/guided people in these practices for just over three years. They are difficult practices to “get into” because they provide our mental & physical bodies with something that is so different from what we are used to, as humans living in the 21st century.

I guide people in these practices because I have struggled for most of my life with an incredibly over-active mind & hyper-alert nervous system which makes it very difficult to switch off or even slow down on a daily basis.

The most powerful tool that I try to regularly implement into my daily life, to calm my monkey mind, is Yoga & Breathwork.

Teaching Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork to others, helps remind me, consistently, of its truly wonderful impact.

In teaching Yoga, I introduce and encourage others to stretch, breathe, move slowly & mindfully, & to really feel what it’s like to be in their body, in the present moment; calm, safe & aware.

My biggest goal is to live in a way where I am always finding more presence, joy & calm among the continuous activity of a busy life & to help others do the same.


Favourite Hobby:

Walking The Dog in the Woods


Biggest Achievement:

Giving Birth to my Daughter


First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

  1. Land to build a house / mini community on
  2. My dream wedding on a Steam Train at Bluebelle Railway
  3. Volkswagen Beetle


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

I love that their approach to health is holistic & that they address so many different areas of fitness & wellbeing in order to provide clients with specific tools for their individual needs & goals.

Elizabeth Lucy

Elizabeth Lucy

Health Specialist


Elizabeth Lucy [Health Specialist]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I am a public health specialist, epidemiologist & expert in health, wellness and longevity science. I am registered with the UK Public Health Register & work as a consultant in Public Health. Having recently completed my PhD in nutrition & dietetics, my current research focuses in on the role of ultra processed foods in human health. My thesis investigated ultra processed foods and the science of sophisticated food advertising and associated marketing activities on the brain & the impacts on behaviour change.

I’m passionate about nutrition & designing a lifestyle for optimal health & longevity, my favourite subjects are the neuroscience associated with behaviour and decision making & epigenetics, how our lifestyle affects our genes.

I am based with Leeds Beckett University & guest lecture across multiple universities in all my favourite subjects!


Favourite Hobby:

I have sooo many hobbies, there’s just not enough time! Reading & studying are probably the ones I do most. But I love painting & have sold my work to clients all over the world, including to a gorgeous hotel in dubai!

I restore porcelain flowers & gift them to friends, family & ladies at church. I upcycle furniture with my signature black & neon hand illustrated flowers or jungle scenes. Scarab beetles are so fun to draw with intricate patterns.

Microscopy is my biggest time consumer of my free time, you can get caught up for hours searching the microbial world of a slide!!! Mycology is my most recent obsession, I love studying mushrooms & mycelium & am currently growing oyster mushrooms in my home library.


Biggest Achievement:

Having my four beautiful babies of course! After that it would be my registration with the UKPHR, the work involved in getting registered at that level was like nothing I’ve ever done before & attaining my PhD in 2022.


Best Piece of Advice:

You don’t have to see the world the way everyone else does, just because other people do things in a certain way doesn’t mean you have to.


First Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

A cosy book store with a coffee shop, tons of houseplants & mushrooms, and the occasional book loving customer


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

I love how oddessy focuses on all aspects of health, not just weight loss or exercise in isolation. Health is so much more than the absence of disease, it is your mindset, your lifestyle design, your nutrition & overall well-being. Oddessy knows this & makes sure that all their strategies are holistic, well planned & sustainable. Everything is designed to improve your health for life, not just a quick fix.

Ruth Smith

Ruth Smith



Ruth Smith [Therapist]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

Running had always been my nemesis, so on the 1 st of January 2013 (the year I was
turning 40) I started the Couch to 5K & by April had a charity place for the MS
(multiple sclerosis) society to run the Great North Run! Not long after however I started to feel lethargic, I would fall asleep at my desk & some days I struggled to walk, let alone run. After many different tests, a lengthy process & in a bizarre twist of fate: I was diagnosed with MS! This shook my world & for a long period of time I concentrated on all the things I couldn’t do health & wellbeing wise rather than
what I could do. I had worked for a transport company for 20 years & during the pandemic due to the medication I was on I had to work from home, this had a detrimental effect on my mental health, so I started working with a life coach who encouraged me to go walking and become more active. It was during this time that I decided to make a career change & become a life coach & therapist, a decision that I have never regretted & fills my days with positivity! I still continue to walk each day, some days more than others, I sea swim at least once a week & will be working with the Odyssey team to improve my health & fitness.


Favourite Hobby:

I absolutely love sea swimming & will swim at least once a week & have done
for over a year even in the winter when it was -4.


Biggest Achievement:

Taking a leap of faith & at the ripe old age of 48 I set up my business, along with
my 2 amazing children.


Best Piece of Advice:

If you always do what you always done, you will always get what you have always
got ……. So do something different NOW!

First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

1: I would travel around the world, first stop, Disney world!

2: Buy a house overlooking the sea

3: Donate to charity


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

The passion and the energy to improve clients quality of life. Odyssey is not just about
one aspect of health & wellness, it is all encompassing.


Nici Moore [PT & Dance Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I have always been passionate about dancing from day one. From pulling myself up to wiggling along to Michael Jackson, before I could walk. Watching music videos on The Box every morning before school, I was & still always dancing!
When I left school I qualified in Performing Arts, Fitness Instruction & Personal Training. I worked in a local primary school’s coaching Street Dance, but I put my passions on the back seat & veered into hospitality management.

In January 2023, ConfiDance was created, a dance group with a twist. The focus is to improve mindset, confidence building & empowerment in women & the wider LGBTQ+ community. Teaching beginner level heel dance routines to unlock our sensuality. Only a handful of months into this journey & I am so grateful for the positive impact it’s making.


Favourite Hobby:

I love hiking & beach trips, when I’m not dancing I’m up a hill or by the sea!


Biggest Achievement:

Creating Confidance & how it is positively impacting & helping people with their confidence & self-love. It has even been featured on Teesside Live – chuffed with that.


Best Piece of Advice:

Your perception molds your reality. The life you want is yours to have! A change of outlook on the world around you, wondrous things will happen!

First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

  1. I would buy a camper van, pronto!
  2. Cargo Fleet office building, reminds me of the Performing Arts School in Step Up.
  3. A donation to science to find a cure for autism.


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

Their mission for positive change and the team’s passion for what they do. I am really excited for the future of Odyssey!


Delphi-Blue [Yoga & Meditation Coach]

What is your Odyssey with Health & Wellness?

I am a Mum, Partner, Yoga & Movement Teacher & advocate of a simpler/ slower way of living.

I have practiced Yoga & Meditation for over seven years & have taught/guided people in these practices for just over three years. They are difficult practices to “get into” because they provide our mental & physical bodies with something that is so different from what we are used to, as humans living in the 21st century.

I guide people in these practices because I have struggled for most of my life with an incredibly over-active mind & hyper-alert nervous system which makes it very difficult to switch off or even slow down on a daily basis.

The most powerful tool that I try to regularly implement into my daily life, to calm my monkey mind, is Yoga & Breathwork.

Teaching Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork to others, helps remind me, consistently, of its truly wonderful impact.

In teaching Yoga, I introduce and encourage others to stretch, breathe, move slowly & mindfully, & to really feel what it’s like to be in their body, in the present moment; calm, safe & aware.

My biggest goal is to live in a way where I am always finding more presence, joy & calm among the continuous activity of a busy life & to help others do the same.


Favourite Hobby:

Walking The Dog in the Woods


Biggest Achievement:

Giving Birth to my Daughter


First 3 Things I’d Buy with a Lottery Win:

  1. Land to build a house / mini community on
  2. My dream wedding on a Steam Train at Bluebelle Railway
  3. Volkswagen Beetle


Favourite thing About Odyssey:

I love that their approach to health is holistic & that they address so many different areas of fitness & wellbeing in order to provide clients with specific tools for their individual needs & goals.


The Odyssey family is expanding & we are always on the lookout for fun, engaging & talented individuals who like us want to change peoples lives for the better!

If you can make a positive change to someone’s life we would love to hear from you! Nutritionists, physios, coaches, therapists, academics, social media influencers… Whoever you are please send us a virtual hello & tell us about yourself!



Odyssey Health & Wellness are supporting 3 local charities this year by aiming to raise 10k for each organisation!!! They include Red balloons, Youth Focus NE & Every Man Can. Team Odyssey & friends will be taking on physical challenges each month to fundraise for these awesome organisations.

What they do is invaluable & it’s important to ensure they can keep moving forward & improving our local community! Click the link to find out more about what they do & how they support the community!

Charities we are supporting this year with Limitless



Being A part of Odyssey has a lot more perks! Check out our partnered organisations & individuals that deliver professional & highly effective services that could help you on your journey…. Being with us means you can receive a discount for each of these amazing services!!!

What they do is invaluable & it’s important to ensure they can keep moving forward & improving our local community! Click the link to find out more about what they do & how they support the community!

Teeside Podiatry



Teeside Podiatry

At Teesside Podiatry Clinic, we’ve got the experience, knowledge, & expertise to help you with any & all chiropody requirements. From advanced gait analysis, diagnostics, rehabilitation & MSK in our Greatham Centre of Excellence, to general podiatry & foot care at Acklam, your feet are in safe hands with Teesside Podiatry Clinic.

We provide excellence in all levels of lower limb & foot care, from management through to recovery, & our patient-focussed approach helps us understand you on an individual basis to help you recover quicker. With a strong sense of community & professionalism, we’ve been providing the very best in foot & lower limb care since we were established in 2020.

Suzanne Barbour



Suzanne Barbour - Life Coach & Menopause Mentor

With a wealth of experience helping others through challenging situations, as well as the experience of my own battle with cancer and subsequent menopause, I was inspired to open my coaching business for clients needing tailored, practical advice and strategies to help them move forward.

I realised there was a huge access problem for people to support them with the practical and emotional challenges of treatment, recovery and beyond.

I demonstrate that a life changing illness or injury or hormone shift does not have to mean the end of something, or a ‘new normal’ and you can move forward in a positive way. I share the tools to take control of big negative emotions, control symptoms and help redesign your life just the way you want it. I will encourage you to ask for help and teach you the skills and confidence to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Become an Odyssey Partner



We have been working with a number of wonderful clients and companies. They have kindly left their thoughts on working with us.


Craig has been so helpful and supportive, he has gone above and beyond to help and advise me in the right direction through our 1:1 check ins. I cannot thank him enough for the help he has provided!

Queensway Dental

I have trained with the Odyssey guys for over a year and can honestly say that I am fitter and more toned than I’ve ever been.  Their programmes are well planned and geared to your specific goals.  Every session is different yet still gives you that ‘feel good factor’ for hours afterwards.  Their knowledge on exercise and nutrition is excellent and you leave feeling so motivated.  I would recommend Odyssey without hesitation, they are great guys, their sessions are good fun and you leave with such a sense of achievement.

Sue Clark
Senior Enterprise Administrator

Queensway have been working with Odyssey for 6 months & they are helping the staff with 1:1 check ins & exercise classes; we love the wellbeing sessions that are based on all different subjects to improve health & are informal & fun. The staff receive recipe e- books & monthly newsletters on the What’s App group to keep staff engaged. I would recommend Odyssey to any company to help improve their health & wellbeing. Mike, Craig & Megan are all knowledgeable & helpful & staff are giving great feedback.

HR manager

Odyssey has become one of the best perks we have as a studio! We wanted to provide health and wellbeing benefits to our staff, and Odyssey smashed that out of the park. We love the energy they bring to the office, our staff genuinely look forward to their sessions. Lots have felt encouraged to undertake personal training and take their health more seriously as a result.

Tom Chandler
Office Manager

Odyssey have really helped me improve my mindset towards fitness and healthy living. The studio is very well equipped and the sessions are incredibly helpful. Craig is very friendly, has a great understanding of my current fitness levels, meaning every session is very personalised and does a great job explaining what muscles we are training with each workout. I look forward to every session as it's hard work but fun

Dom Mcdonald

I cannot speak highly enough of the Odyssey Team. Their professionalism when dealing with them in setting up a session is fantastic. I can’t recommend their delivery enough as well, the quality they offer is fantastic & they are great at adapting the sessions to suit the need of the group. We at Tees Valley Sport would 100% recommend Odyssey.

Mark D
Project Officer
Tees Valley Sport

I cannot speak highly enough of the Odyssey Team. Their professionalism when dealing with them in setting up a session is fantastic. I can’t recommend their delivery enough as well, the quality they offer is fantastic & they are great at adapting the sessions to suit the need of the group. We at Tees Valley Sport would 100% recommend Odyssey.

Mark D
Tees Valley Sport Project Officer

Fitness is now a way of life for me, getting a personal Trainer has been the best thing I have ever done; it has not only made me much fitter, but it has also increased my mental confidence, given me focus and a real sense of wellbeing. It’s the best medicine or tonic anyone could prescribe!

Lizzie Dixon
Enterprise Officer

For me, fitness training is a brilliant change to my usual stay at home office schedule. It has been helping me improve my wellbeing noticeably even after only a couple of months!


I first came to Odyssey two years ago feeling very nervous and anxious as I have done anything like this before. The trainers and other members made me feel welcome, comfortable and at ease straight away and now I can't wait to attend my sessions every week. It has helped me with my confidence and with my fitness and stamina playing football. Thank you.

Aaron Marshall (Group Sessions)

Fitness for me is a way of gaining confidence in day to day life. It lets me feel good about myself and also have something to work towards as a goal, which is extremely motivational, all while becoming stronger everyday!

Office Manager

We heard about odyssey through my sons football manager and a few of the lads decided to go along. It was great for me at that time as I was looking for strength work after a knee injury. Key selling point, working out and my son being able to be there also, he's 14.
The sessions are different every week, the support off everyone is brilliant, there is plenty of variety and generally we cover a full body work out with mixture of cardio and weights. A mixture of indoor and outdoor training, mainly outdoor when weather allows.....we would recommend odyssey to everyone. All trainers are friendly and supportive and if you had any individual questions or queries, you always get additional support or suggestions or recommendations

Mel Preece

I have been training & working with Odyssey PT for over 2 years now and I absolutely love my training and the positive energy you get from the guys . I have had some issue with my knees as you can see from the photos LOL ( needing operations to sort them out) however this has not stopped me doing my training and building the knee before I went for my op – I can honestly say that the training and rehab that Craig & Physio has done has helped massively with my recovery. I am in my 4th week after my op and I am starting again on Tuesday to do rehab training. As from the photos I want to be skiing again next year.

June Alderson
Business Facilities & Events Manager

The team at Odyssey have been great to work with; communicating with them is always a blast! The Health & wellbeing session have been a fantastic opportunity for the team at Radical Forge to learn more about their own health through fun, informative activities & team-building challenges. We also love the Yoga sessions they have helped teach the team to relax & unwind while working on their flexibility, both body & mind.

Derek C
Head of Office



Why should a company implement a wellbeing strategy & support system for its staff?

Promoting & improving staff health & wellness helps to prevent stress/burnout whilst fostering a positive culture & environment for staff to thrive within! Employees who are healthy & happy will naturally drive and increase the organisations performance levels & enable it to be seen as a caring, supportive employer.

Having a dedicated support system in place allows education, mentoring & coaching to be provided to staff in areas ranging across key areas including mental health, personal finance management, nutrition, exercise & injury prevention, environment & sustainability, & much more. Increased understanding and the application of good practices will directly improve individual staffs ability to look after themselves well & also indirectly enhances their loyalty & commitment to the organisation.

What sets you apart from other providers?

Odyssey are more than just an EAP! We focus on building real & engaging relationships with our clients which enables us to facilitate & achieve effective long term positive change.

By providing targeted support both online & in person, with a wide range of available services that can be tailored to suit an individuals needs, priorities & goals we aim to be able to  reach all staff members & deliver direct, timely assistance wherever it is required.

We set ourselves apart by not just improving individual staffs tool kit for improving their wellness but also by making related activities highly enjoyable & team building oriented wherever appropriate. ‘Fun’ is something we as adults don’t get enough of & its injection always has a positive impact within the workplace!

How do you measure the impact of the services you provide?

Odyssey will normally review the services provided to a company with its management / HR staff on a monthly basis to discuss what has worked well, where greater attention is felt likely to be beneficial etc & will adapt future programs & activities where it is felt that it will optimise their impact.

We also utilise feedback forms, testimonials, surveys & small focus groups so that we are able to monitor the effectiveness of our approach & evolve where necessary to meet the needs of both individual staff and the supported organisation.

Do all staff have access to what you deliver?

Absolutely! Our services are all normally fully inclusive.

Odyssey seeks to ensure all staff members are encouraged to access the services made available to them at both individual & collective level.  Some staff are naturally wary of stepping onto unfamiliar &/or perhaps uncomfortable ground; however, experience has shown that once an individiduals ‘triggers’ have been identified we are able to achieve their active participation & assist with their development of positive behaviours.  We take great pride in ensuring everyone is able to benefit, at some level, from their engagement in Odyssey’s program of interesting activities.

How closely do you work with management & HR?

Communication is a vital part of our service provision. We ensure consistent, progressive communication is maintained with company leaders, normally in the form of end of month review meetings as well as conducting any considered necessary contact on a weekly basis. We work with management staff to support their involvement within what services we provide, optimising leadership engagement, & organisational cohesion.

We aim to review service provision with company management on a quarterly basis, focusing upon progression achieved & identifying whether there are any specific issues that need to be addressed or focused upon in order to maximise positive effect & outcomes.

Are services confidential?

No personal or company information is disclosed in any way during engagement with individual clients (staff members) or managerial staff.. Personal information that is disclosed during engagement between staff & coaches with regard to services such as ‘1:1 Check ins’ is not discussed or exposed outside of that relationship.

Can services change through out the specified term of agreement?

A contract of agreement is normally set out for a minimum period of 1 year, which enables sufficient time for the positive impact of the programme delivery to be measured by both the service provider & recipient. However, some adaptations can be made to originally agreed individual services with any ‘add ons’ normally identified, discussed & allocated during the periodic reviews conducted with management staff.

Contracts are reviewed for renewal at the end of the term.


Got a question or are you interested in getting started on your journey? Get in touch with us and we would be happy to help you.


Victoria building, Victoria Road, Middlesbrough, Ts13ba